Plan to forget...embrace life πŸ˜‰

I had a awesome weekend Saturday was a crop at a friends house and I attended the tattoo convention in Baltimore ....stay tuned for Travel Notebook spread on that amazing day πŸ˜€ you would think after an amazing weekend I would be motivated for a awesome week...nope!!!

On Monday I didn't want to do anything and I didn't even have the motivation to get my planner or even try to remember what I had to do. So I took care of my children and just let the day unfold.

 At first I felt guilty I knew there had to be something important I was forgetting...the world needs me I must get up and go...but I didn't I let the spirit guide me and took it my message is yes I am a  planner and without my Planner I'm lost.... so I thought ....but we also have an inner guidance and somedays its okay to put the planner down embrace life and let your inner spirit guide you.

Plan to be happy πŸ˜€
Chela ❀


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