Oily girl day

What is a oily girl... a person who is covered in oils all day....lol my life... I decided to try to document my daily oily routines that involve using Doterra Essentail Oils πŸ˜€

So my mornings always start with starting up my diffuser ....what I use depends on how I woke up did I wake up energized...stressed...sad...mad...etc. This morning I woke feeling good so I decided to diffuse geranium and peppermint for focus...because I have a long to do list and I need to focus today. 

Next its time to shower. While in the shower I cleanse my face with my face serum...I love it, it leaves my face feeling so soft and smells so good πŸ˜€

...after showering I use my hair and body moisturizer ....yup it works for my hair and body...love it 😁
which is made with olive oil, cocunut oil, lavander, geranium, peppermint, and melaleuca oil.

For my deodorant I use purify ... It has an energizing smell also so its great in the mornings. 

This my face before yoga ....lol..time for yoga 😜

After yoga I rub my knee down 
with a drop of Deep Blue...to soothe muscles.

Once I am dress and ready to face the day I grab a touch oil to carry with me during the day I apply to the back of my neck and wrist...today is a motivate day I need to get focused and work on my blog today 😜😏

I grab my fitbit and Origami Owl diffusing bracelet...add a drop of Balance to keep me grounded during the day and when I have a difficult moment I take a sniff.

Now this oily girl is ready to face the day...with some inspirational 🎢 sounds... only good vibes allowed😜

March special host a at home Spa party or facebook party and all your guest will get a Free 5ml bottle of wild orange FREE
  To schudule your party please email me at Chelacreates@gmail.com...or send me a message through instagram or facebook 😘

Hope to see you soon
Chela ❀


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